Friday, February 26, 2010

Is It Summer Yet?

HOLY COW we're suffering from MAJOR cabin fever. This weather is making me CRAZY! In order to avoid going crazy, I went to mom's to create some stuff. I packed up my kit and daughter and drove 13 miles to "play jewelry" with mom. That is such a highlight for me. For whatever reason, my creative juices don't flow very well at home - maybe is the weather, or the million interruptions (ha), I don't know. But go to mom's house and it's all there : ) Thanks mom!

These carnelian earrings are a product of my play date with mom; they totally remind me of summer. My daughter has been asking me everyday when it is spring? HA - spring in Chicago is usually a BLIP on the calender. Here's a pair mom made - Spring BEE - can you tell we've got warm weather on our minds??